
Blockchain Security

Safe Edges has extensive experience researching the security of public blockchains such as Bitcoins, Ethereum, Cosmos, and others and has a deep understanding of the security of crucial modules like P2P communication, node security, RPC calls, cryptography, consensus mechanisms, and asset transactions..

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Web Apllication Security

Safe Edges is a leading security company in web application penetration testing, identifying vulnerabilities in various programming languages and environments, reducing organizational risk, and improving application security. Knowing your vulnerabilities and how attackers might exploit them provides tremendous insight that you can use to improve your security posture. Our security experts have found vulnerabilities in popular platforms like Google, Facebook, Microsoft,

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Smart Contract Audit

You can count on us to monitor every stage of smart-contract development, from manual code review to automated testing. We leave no stones unturned to find security vulnerabilities during the audit.

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Mobile Application Security

Invest in building and deploying world-class mobile applications for your organization while we handle your mobile app security. Our team of security experts performs both dynamic and static testing of mobile applications for all platforms and environments.

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API Security

As an organization grows, its assets multiply exponentially, and therefore all publicly exposed applications and services become the target of malicious hackers. Every day, your perimeter network is attacked, and even small external vulnerabilities can cause serious damage

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Bug Bounty Management

Planning to start a bug-bounty program after an audit? Finding resources for bug-bounty management is a challenging task. Our team of security engineers has years of professional experience in managing bug-bounty programs and bug triaging, from defining the scopes and rules of engagement to deciding the bounty amounts based on the right severity evaluation

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What we do

We Offer a Wide Variety of Security Services

DeFi Security

You can count on us to monitor every stage of smart-contract development, from manual code review to automated testing. We leave no stones unturned to find security vulnerabilities during the audit. Upon completing the audit, our team provides a detailed report outlining the tests performed and the security issues identified, including best practices for improved security


Web Application Security

Safe Edges is a leading security company in web application penetration testing, identifying vulnerabilities in various programming languages and environments, reducing organizational risk, and improving application security. Knowing your vulnerabilities and how attackers might exploit them provides tremendous insight that you can use to improve your security posture. Our security experts have found vulnerabilities in popular platforms like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.


API Security

As an organization grows, its assets multiply exponentially, and therefore all publicly exposed applications and services become the target of malicious hackers. Every day, your perimeter network is attacked, and even small external vulnerabilities can cause serious damage


Mobile Security

Invest in building and deploying world-class mobile applications for your organization while we handle your mobile app security. Our team of security experts performs both dynamic and static testing of mobile applications for all platforms and environments


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